Oxford Circle Mennonite Church
900 Howell St
Philadelphia, PA 19149

JESUS is the center of our faith.

COMMUNITY is the center of our lives.

RECONCILIATION is the center of our work.


July 17, 2021

Kidz Club Survey

Parent/Guardian Survey Please complete this short survey to help us to better serve you. Thank you.1. *On a scale of 1 (very bad) to 10 (excellent), …

April 12, 2020

Resurrection Sunday: Jesus is Risen, Indeed!

By Pastor Lynn Sawyer Parks Luke 24:1-12 It is Resurrection Sunday and Christ has risen! When I was in Jerusalem, we visited the Church of the Resurrection, …

April 9, 2020

Maundy Thursday Message

By Pastor Lynn Sawyer Parks Luke 19:28-44 The Passover night was supposed to be different from other nights and one of the questions a child in the …

April 5, 2020

Palm Sunday: God’s Steadfast Love Endures Forever

By Pastor Lynn Sawyer Parks Luke 19:28-44 We’ve been focusing during Lent on the theme “Blessed Hunger, Holy Feast” with the idea that we all stand in …

March 8, 2020

Show Us Your Faithful, Loving Presence

By Pastor Lynn Sawyer Parks Romans 4:1-5, 13-17; Genesis 12:1-4a Today is the second Sunday of Lent, the season when we are making our way to the …